Recently I have been performing multiple Oracle 12c RAC setups and digging deep into ASM internals. Besides query the ASM environment via the V$ASM_DISK and V$ASM_DISKGROUP dynamic tables, these lesser known command line tools provide detailed troubleshooting assistance for solving difficult ASM issues with your Oracle environments.
As a reference point for today's discussion, I found a very useful support note from Oracle that explains all three utilities to analyze Oracle ASM environments:
ASM tools used by Support : KFOD, KFED, AMDU
(Doc ID 1485597.1)
So let's take a look at each one in terms of how and why you would use these ASM diagnostic tools.
Kfod is a quick and dirty tool to examine the current ASM configuration for ownership, sizes and device mappings. Ensure that your kfod is in the local path for $GRID_HOME/bin/kfod to allow execution of the tool.
$ which kfod /u01/app/grid/12.1.0/grid/bin/kfod
To get help with kfod use the help=y option:
$ kfod help=y _asm_a/llow_only_raw_disks KFOD allow only raw devices [_asm_allow_only_raw_disks=(TRUE)/FALSE] _asm_l/ibraries ASM Libraries[_asm_libraries=lib1,lib2,...] _asms/id ASM Instance[_asmsid=sid] _b/oot Running in pre-install env (boot=TRUE/FALSE) _f/lexinfo Provide flexinfo (_flexinfo=TRUE/FALSE) _p/atch_lib Patchlib [_patch_lib=] _u/ser OS Username asm_/diskstring ASM Diskstring [asm_diskstring=discoverystring, discoverystring ...] asmc/ompatibility Include diskgroup ASM compatibility [asmcompatibility=TRUE/(FALSE)] cli/ent_cluster client cluster name clus_/version cluster version clust/er KFOD cluster [cluster=TRUE/(FALSE)] db_/unique_name db_unique_name for ASM instance[db_unique_name=dbname] dbc/ompatibility Include diskgroup DB compatibility [dbcompatibility=TRUE/(FALSE)] disk_/access Disk access method [disk_access=DIRECT/(INDIRECT)] disks Disks to discover [disks=raw,asm,badsize,all] ds/cvgroup Include group name [dscvgroup=TRUE/(FALSE)] f/orce Force option to delete files (force=TRUE/FALSE) g/roup Disks in diskgroup [group=diskgroup] h/ostlist hostlist[hostlist=host1,host2,...] metadata_a/usize AU Size for Metadata Size Calculation metadata_c/lients Client Count for Metadata Size Calculation metadata_d/isks Disk Count for Metadata Size Calculation metadata_n/odes Node Count for Metadata Size Calculation metadata_r/edundancy Redundancy for Metadata Size Calculation na/me Include disk name [name=TRUE/(FALSE)] no/hdr KFOD header suppression [nohdr=TRUE/(FALSE)] ol/r Import credentials to OLR [olr=TRUE/(FALSE)] op KFOD options type [OP=DISKS/CANDIDATES/MISSING/GROUPS/INSTS/VERSION/PATCHES/PATCHLVL/CLIENTS/RM/RMVERS/DFLTDSTR/GPNPDSTR/METADATA/CREDCRECLUS/GETCLSTYPE/CREDEXPORT/GETASMGUID/CREDDELCLUS/CREDVERIFY/UPGRADEVERIFY/ALL] p/file ASM parameter file [pfile=parameterfile] r/im_disk_access Rim disk access method [rim_disk_access=DIRECT/(INDIRECT)] s/tatus Include disk header status [status=TRUE/(FALSE)] v/erbose KFOD verbose errors [verbose=TRUE/(FALSE)] w/rap wrap file for credentials KFOD-01000: USAGE: kfod op= asm_diskstring=... | pfile=...
kfod status=TRUE asm_diskstring='' disk=ALL
$ kfod verbose=true, disks=all status=true op=disks \ > asm_diskstring='/dev/oracleasm/disks/*' WARNING: Using brute force method to determine the size of /dev/oracleasm/disks/sddlmfdrv0. There will be performance issues. Please check configuration to determine the cause for the failure of ioctl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disk Size Header Path User Group ================================================================================ 1: 409600 Mb MEMBER /dev/oracleasm/disks/sddlma grid oinstall 2: 409600 Mb MEMBER /dev/oracleasm/disks/sddlmb grid oinstall 3: 409600 Mb MEMBER /dev/oracleasm/disks/sddlmc grid oinstall 4: 409600 Mb MEMBER /dev/oracleasm/disks/sddlmd grid oinstall 5: 409600 Mb MEMBER /dev/oracleasm/disks/sddlme grid oinstall 6: 409600 Mb MEMBER /dev/oracleasm/disks/sddlmf grid oinstall 7: 409600 Mb MEMBER /dev/oracleasm/disks/sddlmg grid oinstall
Kfed differs from the other tools in that it shows lower level metadata mappings for block size and endian counts for ASM disks and diskgroups. The help is provided by entering kfed with no options:
$ kfed as/mlib ASM Library [asmlib='lib'] aun/um AU number to examine or update [AUNUM=number] aus/z Allocation Unit size in bytes [AUSZ=number] blkn/um Block number to examine or update [BLKNUM=number] blks/z Metadata block size in bytes [BLKSZ=number] ch/ksum Update checksum before each write [CHKSUM=YES/NO] cn/t Count of AUs to process [CNT=number] de/v ASM device to examine or update [DEV=string] dm/pall Don't suppress repeated lines when dumping corrupt blocks [DMPALL=YES/NO] o/p KFED operation type [OP=READ/WRITE/MERGE/REPAIR/NEW/FORM/FIND/STRUCT] p/rovnm Name for provisioning purposes [PROVNM=string] s/eek AU number to seek to [SEEK=number] te/xt File name for translated block text [TEXT=string] ty/pe ASM metadata block type number [TYPE=number] v/erb Verbose execution [verbose=YES|NO]
To run kfed, you need to specify the ASM disk mapping including the fully qualified device path as shown in the below example:
$ kfed read /dev/oracleasm/disks/sddlmbd kfbh.endian: 1 ; 0x000: 0x01 kfbh.hard: 130 ; 0x001: 0x81 kfbh.type: 1 ; 0x002: KFBTYP_DISKHEAD kfbh.datfmt: 1 ; 0x003: 0x01 kfbh.block.blk: 0 ; 0x004: blk=0 kfbh.block.obj: 2147483675 ; 0x008: disk=22 kfbh.check: 2341676564 ; 0x00c: 0x8b932613 kfbh.fcn.base: 0 ; 0x010: 0x00000000 kfbh.fcn.wrap: 0 ; 0x014: 0x00000000 kfbh.spare1: 0 ; 0x018: 0x00000000
Last but not least is probably one of my favorite ASM command line tools called amdu which provides a nicely formatted report for a specific ASM diskgroup that consolidates most of the information generated by kfod and kfed into a simple file called report.txt
For the many options with amdu to get help make sure to specify the help=y parameter as shown below:
$ amdu help=y al/lides Dump indirect blks unconditionally -allides: AMDU ordinarily skips over empty indirect blocks. Specifying this option tells AMDU to dump those blocks unconditionally. Be warned that this can make the resulting AMDU dump quite large.
au/size AU size for corrupt disks -ausize : This option must be set when -baddisks is set. It must be a power of 2. This size is required to scan a disk looking for metadata, and it is normally read from the disk header. The value applies to all disks that do not have a valid header. The value from the disk header will be used if a valid header is found.
ba/ddisks Include disks with bad headers -baddisks : Normally disks with bad disk headers, or that look like they were never part of a disk group, will not be scanned. This option forces them to be scanned anyway and to be considered part of the given diskgroup. This is most useful when a disk header has been damaged. The disk will still need to have a valid allocation table to drive the scan unless -fullscan is used. In any case at least one block in the first two AUs must be valid so that the disk number can be determined. The options -ausize and -blksize are required since these values are normally fetched from the disk header. If the diskgroup uses external redundancy then -external should be specified. These values will be compared against any valid disks found in the diskgroup and they must be the same.
bl/ksize ASM block size for corrupt disks -blksize : This option must be set when -baddisks is set. It must be a power of 2. This size is required to scan a disk looking for metadata, and it is normally read from the disk header. The value applies to all disks that do not have a valid header. The value from the disk header will be used if a valid header is found.
c/ompare Compare file mirrors -compare: This option only applies to file extraction from a normal or high redundancy disk group. Every extent that is mirrored on more than one discovered disk will have all sides of its mirror compared. If they are not identical a message will be reported on standard error and the report file. The message will indicate which copy was extracted. A count of the blocks that are not identical will be in the report file.
dir/ectory Directory from previous dump -directory : This option completely eliminates the discovery phase of operation. It specifies the name of a dump directory from a previous run of AMDU. The report file and map files are read instead of doing a discovery and scan. The parsing of these ASCII files is very dependent on them being exactly as written by AMDU. AMDU is unlikely to work properly if they have been modified by a text editor, or if some of the files are missing or truncated. Note that the directory may be a copy FTPed from another machine. The other machine may even be a different platform with a different endianess.
dis/kstring Diskstring for discovery -diskstring : By default the null string is used for discovery. The null string should discover all disks the user has access to. Many installations specify an asm_diskstring parameter for their ASM instance. If so that parameter value should be given here. Multiple discovery strings can be specified by multiple occurrences of -diskstring . Beware of shell syntax conflicts with discovery strings. Diskstrings are usually the same syntax the shell uses for expanding path names on command lines so they will most likely need to be enclosed in single quotes.
du/mp Diskgroups to dump -dump : This option specifies the name of a diskgroup to have its metadata dumped. This option may be specified multiple times to dump multiple diskgroups. If the diskgroup name is ALL then all diskgroups encountered will be dumped. The diskgroup name is not case sensitive, but will be converted to uppercase for all reports. If this option is not specified then no map or image files will be created, but -extract and -print may still work.
exc/lude Disks to exclude -exclude : Multiple exclude options may be specified. These strings are used for discovery just like the values for diskstring. Only shallow discovery is done on these diskstrings. Any disks found in the exclude discovery will not be accessed. If they are also discovered using the -diskstring strings, then the report will include the information from shallow discovery along with a message indicating the disk was excluded.
exte/rnal Assume external redundancy -external: Normally AMDU determines the diskgroup redundancy from the disk headers. However this is not possible with the -baddisks option. It is assumed that the redundancy of the -baddisks diskgroup is normal or high unless this option is given to specify external redundancy.
extr/act Files to extract -extract .: This extracts the numbered file from the named diskgroup, case insensitive. This option may be specified multiple times to extract multiple files. The extracted file is placed in the dump directory under the name _.f where is the diskgroup name in uppercase, and is the file number. The -output option may be used to write the file to any location. The extracted file will appear to have the same contents it would have if accessed through the database. If some portion of the file is unavailable then that portion of the output file will be filled with 0xBADFDA7A, and a message will appear on stderr.
fi/ledump Dump files rather than extract -filedump: This option causes the file objects in the command line to have their blocks dumped to the image files rather than extracted. This can be combined with the -novirtual option to selectively dump only some of the metadata files. It may also be used to dump user files (number >= 256) so that all mirrored copies can be examined.
fo/rmer Include dropped disks -former: Normally disks marked as former are not scanned, but this option will scan them and include their contents in the output. This is useful when it is necessary to look at the contents of a disk that was dropped. Note that dropped normal disks will not have any entries in their allocation tables and thus only the physically addressed extents will be dumped. Force dropped disks will not have status former in their disk headers and are not affected by this option. However if DROP DISKGROUP is used, the disks will have the contents as of the time of the drop, and will be in status former. Thus this option is useful for extracting files from a dropped diskgroup.
fu/llscan Scan entire disk -fullscan: This option reads every AU on the disk and looks at the contents of the AU rather than limiting the AU's read based on the allocation table. This is useful when the allocation table is corrupt or needs recovery. An AU will be written to the image file if it starts with a block that contains a valid ASM block header. The file and extent information for the map will be extracted from the block header. Physically addressed metadata will be dumped regardless of its contents. This option is incompatible with extracting a file. It is an error to specify -extract with this option. Note that this option is likely to find old garbage metadata in unallocated AU's since there is no means of determining what is allocated. Thus there may be many different copies of the same block, possibly of different versions.
h/ex Always print block contents in hex -hex: This prints the block contents in hex without attempting to print them as ASM metadata. This is useful when the block is known to not be ASM metadata. It avoids the ASM block header dump and ensures the block is not accidentally interpreted as ASM metadata. This option requires at least one -print option.
noa/cd Do not dump ACD -noacd: This option limits the dumping of the Active Change Directory to just the control blocks that contain the checkpoint. There is 126 MB of ACD per ASM instance (42 MB for external redundancy). It is normally of no interest if there has been a clean shutdown or no updates for a while. This option avoids dumping a lot of unimportant data. The blocks will still be read and checked for corruption. The map file will still contain entries for the ACD extents, but the block counts will be zero.
nod/ir Do not create a dump directory -nodir: No dump directory is created, and no files are created in it. The directory name is not written to standard out. The report file is written to standard out before any block printouts from any -print options. This option conflicts with -filedump. It is an error to specify this and extract a file to the dump directory.
noe/xtract Do not create extracted file -noextract: This prevents files from being extracted to an output file, but the file will be read and any errors in selecting the correct output will be reported. This is most useful in combination with the -compare option.
noh/eart Do not check for heartbeat -noheart: Normally the heartbeat block will be saved at discovery time and checked when the disk is scanned. A sleep is added between discovery and scanning to ensure there is time for the heartbeat to be written. If the heartbeat block changes then it is most likely that the diskgroup containing this disk is mounted by an active ASM instance. An error and warning is generated but operation proceeds normally. This option suppresses this check and avoids the sleep.
noi/mage Do not create image files -noimage: No image files will be created n the dump directory. All the reads specified by the read options will still be done. The map files may be used to find blocks on the disks themselves. In the map file, the count of blocks dumped, the image file sequence number, and the byte offset in the image file will all always be zero (C00000 S0000 B0000000000)
nom/ap Do not create map or image files -nomap: No map file is created and no image file is created. The only output is the report file. The -noimage option is assumed if this is set since an image file without a map is useless. The options -noscan and -noread also result in no map or image files, but -nomap still reads the metadata to check for I/O errors and corrupt blocks.
nop/rint Do no print block contents -noprint: This suppresses the printout of the block contents for blocks printed with the -print option. It is useful for getting just the block reports without a lot of data. This option requires at least one -print option.
norea/d Shallow discovery only -noread: This eliminates any reading of any disks at all. Only shallow discovery will be done. The report will end after the discovery section. It is an error to specify this option and specify a file to extract or blocks to print. It is an error to specify this and -fullscan.
norep/ort Do not generate a report -noreport: This suppresses the generation of the report file. It is most useful in combination with -nodir and -print to get block printouts without a lot of clutter. It is unnecessary to include this with -directory since no report is generated then anyway.
nosc/an Deep discovery only -noscan: This eliminates any reading of any disks after deep discovery. This results in just doing a deep discovery using the disksting parameter. The report will end after the discovery section. It is an error to specify this option and specify a file to extract. It is an error to specify this and -fullscan.
nosu/bdir Do not create a dump directory -nosubdir: No dump directory is created, but files are still created. The directory name is not written to standard out. The report file and any other dump or extract files are written to the current directory or to the directory indicated by -parentdir. This means that if multiple AMDU dumps are requested using this option, the report file will always correspond to the last dump requested.
nov/irtual Do not dump virtual metadata -novirtual: This option eliminates reading of any virtual metadata. Only the physically addressed metadata will be read. This implicitly eliminates the ACD and extent maps so -noacd and -noxmap will be assumed.
nox/map Do not dump extent maps -noxmap: This option eliminates reading of the indirect extents containing the file extent maps. This is the bulk of the metadata in most diskgroups. Even the entries in the map file will be eliminated.
o/utput Files to create for extract -output : This option specifies a different file for writing an extracted file. The file will be overwritten if it already exists. This option requires that exactly one file is extracted via the -extract option. Required with -directory
pa/rent Parent for dump directory -parent : By default the dump directory is created in the current directory, but another directory can be specified using this option. The parent directory for the dump directory must already exist.
pr/int Block to print -print : This option prints one or more blocks to standard out. This option may be specified multiple times to print multiple s. The printout contains information about how each block was read as well as a formatted printout. Multiple blocks matching the same may be found when scanning the disks. For example there may be multiple disks that have headers for the same diskgroup and disk number. If the block is from a mirrored file then multiple copies should exist on different disks. If multiple copies of the same block have identical contents then only one formatted printout of the contents will be generated, but a header will be printed for each copy. A may include a count of sequential blocks to print. A may specify a block either by disk or file. ::= | .C ::= | | | | ::= .N.A.B ::= .D.A.B ::= .F.X.B ::= .F.V ::= .F.M
r/egistry Dump registry files -registry: The ASM registries will be read and dumped to the image file. There will be no block consistency checks since these files do not have ASM cache headers. To dump one specific registry specify -filedump and include the file object for the registry (e.g. DATA.255).
s/pfile Extract usable spfile -spfile: This causes extract to render the resulting file in a form that is directly usable by startup. Without this option, AMDU will extract the file as a regular ASM file including all ASM specific headers and such
Now let's take a look at the overall syntax for using AMDU is below:
amdu -diskstring ''
AMDU creates a new subdirectory with the prefix amdu_ plus date and time as naming convention after execution that houses the reports for ASM metadata.
$ amdu -diskstring '/dev/oracleasm/disks/*' -dump DG_DATA
amdu_2015_07_16_16_27_02/ WARNING: Using brute force method to determine the size of /dev/oracleasm/disks/sddlmfdrv0. There will be performance issues. Please check configuration to determine the cause for the failure of ioctl
The report.txt file contains the details on the ASM disk metadata for review.
******************************* AMDU Settings ******************************** ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/grid/12.1.0/grid System name: Linux Node name: ora-ben01 Release: 2.6.32-504.el6.x86_64 Version: #1 SMP Tue Sep 16 01:56:35 EDT 2014 Machine: x86_64 amdu run: 19-JUL-15 16:27:02 Endianess: 1
--------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------- -dump DG_DATA
------------------------------- Disk Selection ------------------------------- -diskstring '/dev/oracleasm/disks/*'
------------------------------ Reading Control -------------------------------
------------------------------- Output Control -------------------------------
********************************* DISCOVERY **********************************
----------------------------- DISK REPORT N0001 ------------------------------ Disk Path: /dev/oracleasm/disks/sddlmk Unique Disk ID: Disk Label: Physical Sector Size: 512 bytes Disk Size: 409600 megabytes Group Name: DG_DATA Disk Name: DG_DATA_0000 Failure Group Name: DG_DATA_0000 Disk Number: 0 Header Status: 3 Disk Creation Time: 2015/07/16 19:55:33.792000 Last Mount Time: 2015/07/18 10:24:19.387000 Compatibility Version: 0x0c100000(12010000) Disk Sector Size: 512 bytes
So when you are faced with a challenging ASM issue or for general verification after a complex large scale Oracle RAC and ASM build, be sure to take advantage of these excellent ASM tools!
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